Our healthcare delivery program minimizes outside services, provides care in your facility, and maintains a low-cost to you; without compromising inmate care, safety, or health.
We provide a sick call clinic once per week with one of our providers who is trained in correctional medicine to address medical and mental health needs. If more extensive care is required, we will work with you and outside health centers to ensure that appropriate care is provided. If any emergency care is needed or suspected, we will be available by phone to discuss. Additional services, including more in depth mental health services or nursing services, are negotiable.
Our providers are accessible 24/7 via the phone for consultation with on site security staff regarding medications that are dropped off for inmates or for any other medical concerns that may arise. This service is provided at no additional charge.

We provide the best medications available from the most cost effective pharmacies. We review your monthly medication bills to ensure that your inmates are receiving the most appropriate medication at a reasonable price. Our medication formularies are congruent with the Idaho Department of Corrections to ensure that when inmates are transferred, their medical care is consistent.

If security staff is required to provide medical functions, such as passing medications to inmates, we provide training on how this is done safely. A comprehensive “medication pass†training is available for security staff to ensure that your staff is well equipped to handle this task. Additional medical services training is available upon request.
We provide fourteen day baseline health exams/questionnaires for all inmates who are in custody and require this exam by the Idaho Jail Standards. Our staff is trained and will provide this service in your facility, to limit any security concerns, at no additional cost. These will be performed every 1-2 weeks to ensure that you are in compliance with the jail standards.

We are trained and experienced in providing expert review for medical/legal cases involving care provided in a correctional setting. Contact us for more information.